These are my tasks at the ZKfN:
As a network management officer, I help to network our Climate Future Labs with each other and to develop a strong network for a safe and just climate future in Lower Saxony. To do this, I also use all possible ways to communicate research methods and research results.
How I came to the ZKfN:
As a scientist, I have worked in the past at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the Leibniz Association and most recently in the German government's climate protection emergency programme at the Julius Kühn Institute. In addition, I was editor-in-chief of the environmental newspaper Umweltzeitung and have already participated in many science communication formats as a scientist. For example, at the Salon der Wissenschaft, which is organised every year by the Haus der Wissenschaft, or at the Woche der Umwelt at Schloss Bellevue. Now I am looking forward to implementing many ideas at the ZKfN with interesting partners.
These are my wishes for the climate:
Humans are clever beings and with all our ingenuity, we can develop many ways to counter climate change. And we have already achieved so much!
In the 1990s, for example, the hole in the ozone layer threatened catastrophic consequences. As a result of the Montreal Protocol, which banned CFCs, the hole in the ozone layer is now closing again.
Another significant example of active climate protection can be found in intact moors. In Lower Saxony, for example, the Teufelsmoor will be rewetted in the coming years, taking Germany a big step further towards greenhouse gas neutrality.
I hope that we will use the knowledge we have gained from research and practical experience and not fall into a state of paralysis caused by defence mechanisms or fear. Let's invest in a good future!
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