Der diesjährige Aufruf zur Einreichung von Anträgen ist vom 1. Juli 2024 bis 30. Oktober 2024 geöffnet. Die Ausschreibung finden Sie auf dieser Website und auf der Website von zukunft.niedersachsen.
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Microclimate in urban areas
This call for proposals supports the establishment and implementation of a research consortium to address the microclimate in urban areas as part of the Climate Future Labs of the Lower Saxony Centre for Climate Research (ZKfN). The aim of the Climate Future Labs is to develop multidisciplinary solutions for a safe and just climate future and to establish and expand a broad (scientific) network in Lower Saxony and beyond. Through transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research and by linking both university and non-university researchers as well as implementation partners from business and the community, the intention is to develop urgently needed approaches for changing our lifestyles and economic practices in a way that will be environmentally, socially and economically viable and sustainable. The aim of this year’s call for proposals for support is to research the impact of climate change in urban areas, with the involvement of cities, municipal authorities and citizens, and to develop approaches that promote climate protection and adaptation.
The Climate Future Labs are funded by the zukunft.niedersachsen program of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture and the Volkswagen Foundation. You can also find the call for proposals on the zukunft.niedersachsen website.
Die ZKfN-Geschäftsstelle bietet für Förderanträge zur Ausschreibung „Microclimate in urban areas“ eine Prüfung auf Einhaltung der formellen Kriterien an. Interessierte können Ihren Antrag bis zum 22.10.2024 an senden. Das Team der ZKfN-Geschäftsstelle prüft anschließend Ihren Antrag und gibt Ihnen ein Feedback.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass keine inhaltliche Bewertung der zum Check eingereichten Anträge vorgenommen wird. Die Teilnahme am Antragscheck ist freiwillig und zählt nicht als offizielle Einreichung des Förderantrags.
Vernetzungsbörse zum Call for proposals
Das ZKfN bietet interessierten Wissenschaftler*innen an, sich mit ihrer Projektidee auf der ZKfN-Website zu präsentieren und sich mit anderen Forscher*innen zu vernetzen. Alle Vernetzungsangebote finden Sie auf der hier verlinkten Seite.
The administration and infrastructure expenditure allowance (VIAP) is calculated upon approval by the MWK. Please only enter the direct project costs in the cost plan.
Material investments may not exceed two percent of the total amount of funding requested. In absolutely exceptional cases, an extraordinary justification must be agreed in advance with the MWK. Under no circumstances may the planned investment be considered part of the basic equipment.
The staff costs are calculated on the basis of the staff costs rate 2025 of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture.
The funding amount should be distributed as evenly as possible over the funding period. Any deviation between the first and second funding period must be objectively justified.
Institutions can be involved in more than one application and can also act as project leaders for different applications.
No, a local site concentration is not a problem. Please note, that a consortium of at least three independent institutions must be guaranteed.
No, an application submitted by three institutes or departments of a higher education institution is not eligible. This also includes affiliated institutes. External partners with a headquarters outside of Lower Saxony also do not count in the application count and can only act as external partners.
In principle, institutions with a location in Lower Saxony are eligible to apply. In this regard, please consult the Climate Research Centre Lower Saxony in advance.
Yes. Federal institutes based in Lower Saxony are eligible to apply and can also act as project leaders.
Citizen science groups, industrial partners and public partners are considered as external partners. Non-scientific institutions based in Lower Saxony can participate with up to two percent of the total funding requested. A detailed justification of the use of funds is required.
For non-scientific institutions based outside Lower Saxony, the criteria stated in the call for proposals apply.
You can find the DFG checklist for the data management plan here.
No, there are no underlying form templates. Equality and diversity are to be assessed as substantive points in the application and formulated in accordance with it.
The following information must be included in the appendix:
- Financing plan - Data management plan - Bibliography - Work plan - Calendar - Endorsement by the management of the project leader's university/research institution - Letters of intent from external partners
- Declaration of the project leader to collaborate with the office and to take on the role of spokesperson for the Lab.
No, the bibliography does not count towards the page count and can be listed in the appendix. The DFG guidelines for bibliographies can be found here.
Yes, a legally binding signature of the university/research institution leading the project is required.A digital signature of the spokesperson is sufficient.
Informal approval from the management of the applicant university/research institution is sufficient. No additional substantive justification is required.
Die Ausschreibung sowie die FAQ werden ausschließlich in englischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Die Ausschreibungsregelungen sehen zudem vor, dass die eingereichten Anträge auf Englisch verfasst werden. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis, dass hier keine deutsche Übersetzung veröffentlicht wird.
Klima folgen
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